Griffarage hits the panic button.

“Fellow British Patriot,

Members and supporters have deluged head office in recent times with all sorts of important questions regarding the Equalities Commission court case and the forthcoming changes to our Constitution.

We can now unveil a frequently asked questions that answers some of the most common queries floating about at the moment…….


As the pressure mounts on Griffarage and his cronies, the above screenshots are very telling indeed.

Knowing full well and admitting that the parties rank and file (the activists, the ones that matter, the viewers of this blog) are up in arms over the proposed constitutional changes, Griffarage has been lowered to virtually begging for the members support.
Griffarages position is becoming increasingly untenable and he knows it.
Shortly we will disect the pictured statements of desperation, for now read on and witness an increasingly desperate leader (sic), in what will hopefully be one of his few remaining statements at the helm of the B.N.P.

The rank and file have had enough, no words, however they are written, will ever justify the unjustifiable, the B.N.P. EITHER REMAINS A WHITES ONLY PARTY OR IT BECOMES NOTHING.

It really is as simple as that.

This is intrinsically linked to one of Lee John Barnes posts (see the comments section)

Yes Lee, your mask will very shortly drop and shatter on the floor no doubt. Stay tuned. šŸ˜‰

6 thoughts on “Griffarage hits the panic button.

  1. sleeping satellite

    This year would have been my 10th in the party and in that time i can say i worked hard and achieved some great goals and met a lot of good people from far and wide.and for what ?I feel used,abused,dirty and in need of a good shower.Never have i felt so low since before making the decision to quit the party thats how bad i got from seeing the sun on the horizon only to be eclipsed by griffin and co.The last two years the party has really gone down hill for me,too many good people quitting,too many good people being pushed out only for idiotic morons to step in who make fools of themselves at every opportunity and i want no more of it as the party is now on par with the monster raving loony party.When my membership expires in a few months and i start getting the begging renewal letters then some poor soul in dowsons office is going to get an ear bending.Goodbye my once beloved BNP im sorry my sweetheart but i can no longer live with you,you have changed and i cant bear that change in you no more,goodnight.

  2. Anonymous

    Putting out this biased statement is illegal with the EGM pending, GriĀ£Ā£in is lying and using emotional black mail. This statement should be brought to Judge Collin's attention so that proceedings can be halted?

  3. Anonymous

    This is a very deceitful bulletin, fact : Griffin could go to prison for non-compliance, the Equality Bill may never become law, as time could ran out, due to the Lords' objection. Griffin has f**ked this whole case up from the beginning due to his gross incompetence, treachery and stupidity, by putting this recent statement biased out he is obviously worried that some members will fight this motion at the EGM. GriĀ£Ā£in has stated recently that he would resign if he lost the vote.

  4. Anonymous

    Judge Collins stated in court on the 28th of January that : "Mr Griffin had promised us last year that he had a team of top rank lawyers preparing this case, it is evident from today's proceedings that this is not the situation." It was very clear in court that Griffin had mess up the case against the EHRC and not a lot of effort, time or money had been spend on preparing the case. Quite frankly Griffin's stance was an utter shambles.

  5. Anonymous

    Once you`ve decided to abandon the party, the begging letters seem to increase. Two weeks ago I got 3 in one week!! the bare faced cheek of it all.As well as that, the Green Arrow website is going all out to destroy whatever credibility the party has left. And then they add Mark Collett just for extra impact. What a toxic mix!!What`s Griffin planning? Is this the beginning of the end?


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