I’m not being a mug. Get me out of here. UPDATED.


(just like the current B.N.P. leadership ((sic)) as many are now realising)

FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED, AS THE SAYING GOES. This is the second time at least that this “problem” has occured.

“This Connection is Untrusted

Par for the course with Griffarages lot.

You have asked Firefox to connect
securely to secure.bnp.org.uk, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure.

It clearly isn’t secure, so who will actually recieve your credit card details if you are stupid enough to click on it?

Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site’s identity can’t be verified.

When it says my B.N.P., does it mean Griffarages bank account?

What Should I Do?

Not bother with it, it may be a scam.

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn’t continue.

Who could be trying to impersonate the B.N.P. donations page?

Technical Details

secure.bnp.org.uk uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)”

Not trusted, yep sounds about right.

I Understand the Risks”

G.W.s comments are in bold in the above quoted text.

30 thoughts on “I’m not being a mug. Get me out of here. UPDATED.

  1. Shropshire Lad

    if griffin – using is legal prowess and 'boxing blue' fighting skills! – had actually FOUGHT the ehrc instead of capitulating and rolling over [because he WANTS the bnp to let blacks in] nationalism would have a future.IN HIS EFFORTS TO BE ZIONIST AND BLACK-FRIEDLY GRIFFIN HAS WRECKED NATIONALISM.and all this comes from the fact that Griffin wants to make MONEY.His incessant greed has made him cosy up to Zionists and transform the bnp into a civic patriot party in an effort to get more money from the folks in the shadows.I repeat: IN HIS RUSH FOR MONEY GRIFFIN HAS WRECKED RACIAL NATIONALISM.he was so busy making money and farting about in Brussels, and so desperate for black members [against the members' wishes] he LET the ehrc win.he even had the BALLS to raise funds to fight the case: a case he had no intention of fighting [even the judge said the bnp did NOT employ the expert solicitors it claimed to.Money means more to Nicholas John Griffin than our movement and its principles.I wish he had staid in Normandy mucking about with explosives and petty terrorism.

  2. Anonymous

    You seem not to have realised that it is the legal professions which run this country, just take a look at how many barristers/lawyers/QCs et al who reside in the House of Commons and Lords, then consider the newtworking which goes on with 'outside' sources.

  3. Anonymous

    The BNP is over well and truly over ? ask the buggers from shard end ? your cash and your subs has been their salary? thats when i dropped out because we were paying communists a salary wake up because i did.

  4. Anonymous

    I was supposed to have received my Members' Bulletin telling me about the EGM, giving me 14 days notice, in the post today, where is it Mr Griffin, you heard what the Judge said on Thursday in the court room, that's the law.

  5. Anonymous

    This was in yesterday's Daily Telegraph:MEPs voted yesterday to increase monthly allowances for assistants by almost £1,300 to compensate for the extra work the Lisbon treaty has created. The move was immediately condemned by critics as "scandalous."MEPs already receive £15,000 per month for the cost of employing assistants in Brussels and their constituencies.

  6. Anonymous

    Yes that's an extra £1,300 a month!!!"PAY AND EXPENSES: GREEDY MPS ON £450,000 A YEAR MEPs want to feather their nest with an extra £1,300 a month, it emerged last night.During the five-year term of a Brussels Parliament, an MEP can clock-up an eye-watering £1,816,250 in expenses alone. On top of that is a basic salary of £83,282 a year and they pay income tax of just 15 per cent."http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/154822/Pay-and-expenses-Greedy-MPs-on-450-000-a-year

  7. Anonymous

    Griffin must of made this BNPtv video with Butler & Barnbrook the evening of the court case ( Thursday,) in other words just a few hours after hearing about the EHRC's further more draconian demands, it didn't take he long to plan that he was going to capitulate to them? You would have thought he would have sat down and very deeply thought about it and consulted with other officials?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94LR798uNcA

  8. Anonymous

    Gri££in said publicly at the National Organisers' meeting last Sunday (24th,) that if the EGM goes against him, he will step down as chairman. What this weasel really ment was he would wash is hands of the debts and legal responsibility incurred by the EHRC legal costs but still stay on his greedy MEP wages!

  9. Anonymous

    This is from Darby's blog yesterday, he's trying to make out he is skint, what a joke, how much does that bastard take each month from the party in wages and expenses? Incidentally isn't Saturday a leafleting day, many other activists and branches were out yesterday campaigning! What planet is he living on?"Tried unsuccessfully today to have a break from politics. Waking up on a Saturday morning to find there is nothing in the house for breakfast is a sure sign you have been doing to much. The quick fix was a trip down to the local Little Chef, but at £16 for the two of us for what turned out to be little more than child's portions that's a solution I shall be discounting in the future. Never before have I had a full cooked breakfast with just one rasher of bacon and no mushrooms."

  10. rosie

    The legal profession running this country?I haven't particularly noticed it.I have noticed something else though.2 out of the 5 members of the Chillcot ENquiry are Zionist Jews who supported the Iraq war.This dominance within our society is reflected in everything, not least the H of C. Jack Straw is one, the ghastly Milipede Bros, they are everywhere, particularly in the crooked and greedy square mile which is bleeding the British tax payer.This item shows a direct threat to our government over British lawshttp://www.rense.com/general89/enough.htmetc etc etc ad nauseum.We can thank the Zionist lobby for the destruction of our English rights and liberties. These are the people who have been instrumental in the imposition of PC to Western nations most notably Britain and the USA. An eroding poison right through our society.They have been behind, in a major way, the monstrosity which has taken our sovereignty and independence – the EU.They have been directly behind the three illegal wars that has blackened our reputation around the planet and bankrupted our nation.Yugoslavia not least.No mass graves, No mass refugees, and Racak shown unquestionably to have been a CIA/MI6/KLA sting of utter duplicity and evil.Lawyers I can live with, but the selling of my country to a pack of Khazars who also occupy the Palestinian peoples homeland is insufferable.If you want to see anti-semitism in action look at the murderous regime sitting in Tel aviv mass murdering the Semite people – whilst they run our country by proxy.

  11. Caravan John

    will donating to Dowson and Griffins' coffers bring ONE SINGLE SOLDIER HOME?no!These shysters should be told to feck off.if you want to help soldiers give drect to one of the good charities: HELP FOR HEROES etc.Millionaire griffin should be given a boot up the arse and nowt else.twot

  12. Ex BNP and still proud

    Darby is the strangest nationalist I have ever met.When he lived in Cannock he had the biggest satellite dish in his garden I have ever seen…..I am sure it was not just for watching 24hr snooker as he claimed. He has no idea about the foundations and importance of nationalism; I now think he has always been a bit odd and not one of us.

  13. Anonymous

    Darby what's the point, you are going to completely capitulate with the Equality Commission anyway you Great Tit!(Latest from Darby's Blog)"Just finished a 7 hour session going through the new constitution with Nick and Eddy. Totally wiped out as a consequence and will be spending what little is left of Sunday relaxing by the fire.One last thing before I go that being the result of my early morning Big Garden Birdwatch- great tit 2 blackbird 6 marsh tit robin great spotted woodpecker blue tit 2 nuthatch 2 chaffinch 2 coal tit dunnock wren."

  14. Anonymous

    Why dont the 2 MEP's dip into their own pockets and help pay some of this court case.It is always asking members for money. Members who give their free time and money and dont earn 68k a year. Why not set an example by giving their own free time and money? Becuase they have never done anything free for the BNP. When Griffin first wangled his way in writing for JT he was paid.The real reason for this pathetic attempt at fighting the court case is because Griffin spends his entire time in Brussels, and the party takes second place because of this. This court case should have taken priority! They are going to take the BNP to the cleaners – mark my words.The BNP has lost its leader to pointless committees in Brussels which neither benefit the BNP or our cause. But it certainly fattens their wallets.

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous said… Bungling buffoon Barnbrook takes home after tax £2,300 every month from the GLA , plus the £11,000 a year he gets as a councillor, why does he pay some of the party's legal costs, or does he piss most of this up the wall. 31 January 2010 22:35

  16. Anonymous

    Why dont the 2 MEP's dip into their own pockets and help pay some of this court case. It is always asking members for money. Members who give their free time and money and dont earn 68k a year. Why not set an example by giving their own free time and money? Becuase they have never done anything free for the BNP. When Griffin first wangled his way in writing for JT he was paid. The real reason for this pathetic attempt at fighting the court case is because Griffin spends his entire time in Brussels, and the party takes second place because of this. This court case should have taken priority! They are going to take the BNP to the cleaners – mark my words. The BNP has lost its leader to pointless committees in Brussels which neither benefit the BNP or our cause. But it certainly fattens their wallets.EssexBNP said… That's not at all nice. Barnbrook isnt everyone's cup of tea but he ia genuinely decent bloke, works hard for his ward and on the GLA and is not a bender and the comment about **** **** is contemptible. He has done more for the BNP than most of the spiteful posters on here. 1 February 2010 11:56

  17. Anonymous

    Barnbrook may be a nice guy but he is still complicit in the deceit of the members. Whether he enjoys the company of other men (or women) I do not care about.What I do care about is the FACT that the "elite" in the party see the members as mugs and want to fleece them for as much as they can get whilst playing politics in Brussels – a parliament that has nothing to do with Britain and should not be recognised as part of British politics!EX-BNP

  18. Anonymous

    "Barnbrook isnt everyone's cup of tea but he ia genuinely decent bloke, works hard for his ward and on the GLA and is not a bender"I'm afraid Essex BNP, you are badly informed Barnbrook does very little work, he will turn up at City Hall for the obligatory Mayoral Question Time once a month, but the questions are written for him by others, other wise he is ever seen there, as for his council work he will again turn up for the monthly chamber meeting, but when was the last time he did surgery in his ward? Just asked his staff at City Hall or the other BNP councillor on Barking Council, none of them have a good word to say about his daft wanker, and by the way he is still an alcoholic. Incidentally when he speak publicly at the official meetings he can't string a coherent sentence together, he is a gross embarrassment to our party and an arch-Griffinite, just watch his performance at the forthcoming EGM.

  19. Anonymous

    I just been looking at the error filled Feb Members' Bulletin. First it is biased when mentioning twice that people overwhelmingly voted for Griffin's treacherous motion at the November Annual Conference. Then it says we wish we had had more time to have a wider discussion on the legal aspects of the constitution changes, which is bullshit, we have had plenty of time, just never given the opportunity by Griffin and his deceiving cronies. Then it keeps calling the Equality Commission the CEHR, when it's acronym is EHRC. Then it states that the hearing was heard at the High Court, when it was heard at the County Court and says that the action is being brought against Griffin and Darby, no it's not just against Griffin. There are many other errors in the bulletin referring to the actual sections that the EHRC wish to change in our constitution, I'll have to read this section very carefully and report back. Who wrote this badly drafted bulletin, wasn't that idiot Collett by any chances?

  20. GriffinWatch

    " Anonymous said… I apologise for what I said about Barnbrook's sexuality in an earlier post which use erased, but I'm convinced he is a sexual deviant. 1 February 2010 19:28"No worries, we all get angry with the current party situation sometimes.Here a G.W. we find it difficult to hold back sometimes, considering the abuse and smears that are aimed at our team members from the more evil Griffinites.

  21. Anonymous

    Further to the error filled Feb Members' Bulletin, it mentions : "simultaneously making changes designed to block any hostile takeover bid by liberal nationalists." Hasn't the BNP already been taken over by liberal nationalists? Then it goes on : " the resulting proposed changes which have been worked out in course of a series of meetings with specialist lawyers." This is a utter lie, even Judge Collins told the court on Thursday that Griffin had stated last year he had a team of top rate lawyers on the case and this is "evidently not true," in the judge's own words. Aside from the bulletin Griffin stated last week in his video that there would be a second EGM to discuss and vote on the further demands of the Equality Commission, from the Feb bulletin this doesn't appear the case, it appears to me he wants rush it through and vote on the whole damn lot? Griffin as usual is spinning his web of deceit!

  22. Anonymous

    Just received latest constitution.Griffin has the party wrapped up. You require 20% of signatures from members who have been continuaous for over 2 years to even put up a leadership bid.That would be probably about 1000 plus signatures.

  23. Anonymous

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"Kudos to the person that apologised for the comment about Barnbrook and his tastes.I have noticed another site that has appeared on my travels and wondered if anyone knew where it came from?http://exbnpbringthetruth.blogspot.com/Some interesting articles and worth a look.EX-BNP (no connection to the above mentioned blog)

  24. Anonymous

    Had a look at the above new blog (ex bnp members).Not sure, but my "spider-senses" went off the richter scale when I looked more into it.I believe nothing is ever what it seems ( apart from you GW ;op ).

  25. GriffinWatch

    It may well be a setup by Griffarages lot to ensnare peoples I.P.s etc. Or indeed to entice them away from here or the N.W.N. blog. It's been linked to on the scumbag L.U. blog also which always raises questions in my view.

  26. sleeping satellite

    that blog is alefty set up. the language is too loaded. it is not genuine [unlike GW]exactly what i was thinking,too much copied off lefty sites,there is nothing to proove that they were once genuine active BNP members.


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